Depositing funds (ACH & Wire)
Frec only accepts deposits of funds via ACH or Wire transfer. We do not accept checks. If a check is received, we will destroy the check and notify you.
ACH transfer
You can transfer funds at any time by going to the “Transfers” tab and selecting “Deposit cash”. If this is the first time you are making a transfer and you have not linked an outside bank account, see above on how to connect an outside bank account first. Once you’ve connected your outside bank account, you can make a transfer by selecting your outside bank account under the “From” dropdown menu in the “Transfer” tab.
You will then be able to enter the amount you would like to deposit into your account. There is a $100,000 daily limit for ACH transfers. If you want to transfer more than $100,000, you will need to initiate a wire transfer as shown below. Once you’ve entered the amount you can “Confirm” the deposit. Your deposit will then settle in your account in 1-2 business days. Keep in mind business days exclude bank holidays. Once the funds are settled, they will show as available Cash on your home page.
Wire transfer
Provide your outside banking institution the following instructions to wire money into Frec:
Bank name: BMO Harris Bank
Bank address: 111 W. Monroe St., Chicago, IL 60603
ABA: 071000288
Recipient name: Apex Clearing Corporation
Account number: 3713286
Memo: “Your Name” and “Your Frec Account Number”
- Please confirm that “Your Name” in the memo line exactly matches the name on your Frec account.
- You can find your Frec Account Number by clicking your name in the upper right-hand corner of the platform and selecting “Account settings” from the dropdown menu. From there click “Accounts.” You’ll see your account number listed under “Frec Account.”
- Some institutions require a recipient mailing address. If so, please use:
- One Dallas Center 350 N. St. Paul, Suite 1300 Dallas, TX 75201.
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